UTM Grid Overlay 100000 Scale
Regular price $7.95"Pocket Sized" UTM Grid Overlay 1:100,000
Fast and easy UTM plotting
These easy to use grid tools divide a 1 kilometer grid square into 100 meter squares. Align the tool on the map grid and read off the easting and northing values The tools also have a compass rose along their outside edge. This makes plotting or measuring a bearing a snap. The small size of these tools will allow you to keep them handy in your pocket.
1:100,000 Scale UTM Grid Overlay
A 1:100,000 scale UTM grid overlay. The grid can be used to break down a 10km map grid into 1km subdivisions. Additionally, by using a straight edge and the 100m tics along the edge, it is possible to locate a point with 100m precision. Printerd on 30 mil plastic stock with a protective coating. Approximate size is 5" by 4.5" (12.5cm X 11cm).