Weiss Lake Alabama Fishing Map

Weiss Lake Alabama Fishing Map #315

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Weiss Lake AL Fishing Map

Weiss Lake. 24"x36" One-sided. Waterproof and Tear Resistant!


GPS Compatible, Marina Listings, Lake Structure, Road Network and More.


Lake Weiss was created in 1961 with the completion of the Weiss Dam on the Coosa River. The lake is within easy driving distance of Atlanta, Georgia, Chattanooga Tennessee, Birmingham Alabama or Huntsville Alabama. Weiss Lake is a bout 52 miles long, has a surface area of over 30,000 acres and nearly 45 miles of shoreline. Weiss Lake has a maximum depth of about 60 feet. The major tributaries to Weiss Lake are the Coosa, Chattooga and the Little Rivers. Anglers at Weiss Lake can expect to catch Largemouth Bass, Spotted Bass, striped Bass, Crappie, Bluegill, catfish and Freshwater Drum. Weiss Lake is known as the "Crappie Capital of the World". Three special fishing regulations apply to Lake Weiss: Please check regulations carefully before fishing Alabama Lakes. 1. It shall be unlawful for any angler to fish with more than three rods and reels, or poles, or any combination thereof on Weiss Reservoir or Neely Henry Lake, at any time;" 2. It is illegal to possess crappie less than 10-inches in total length;" 3. It is legal to possess 30 white bass, yellow bass, saltwater striped bass and hybrid (striped) bass or combinations of any size." Several regulations of particular interest to Weiss Lake anglers: 1. It is a violation of Alabama law for any person to transport more than one day's creel limit of game fish beyond the boundaries of this state." 2. It is a violation of Alabama law for any person to fillet a fish while fishing, or to possess fillets of fish while on public waters except when fish are being prepared for immediate cooking and consumption; provided however, that fish may be drawn or gutted with heads left attached.

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