Afghanistan 1:500,000 Topographic Maps on DVD
Regular price $74.95Afghanistan 1:500,000 Topographic Maps on DVD with Memory Map Software
Includes all 1:500,000 topographic maps of Afghanistan (TPC charts) with & a full version of Memory-Map Discoverer (normally an additional $75). Maps display 3D relief shading in suitable/available areas. Maps are individual or merged together. Maps can be set up to print along canoe routes, roads or your trails. Print up to 13" x 19" on paper or GoTrekkers synthetic water resistant paper. See your route in an amazing 3D fly through in suitable areas. Can be used as secondary navigation for boating or flying with a go-to VOR-style arrow to your next waypoint. Allows you to upload/download routes, tracks & waypoints to & from most gps, laptops & pda's on windows operating systems, maps will not go into a gps. Export your map as a bitmap image.